Monday, April 27, 2009

European Initiative


The EU countries have agreed to lower their carbon dioxide emissions by 20% by year 2020, and it would be done by using renewables such as water,air,tidal power and biofuels. Nuclear power, clean coal and renewables are the main types of energy to be used.After the year 2010 all power stations in Europe should eliminate carbon emissions and carbon emissions from cars should be reduced from the start of next year.Even farmers can now help reduce carbon emissions by growing plants for biofuel which is considered 10% of all petrol. Today, new limits for carbon emissions are set and as a result carbon prices have increased. Renewable energy is very expensive, wind disturbs natural habitats and mass befouling in the Amazon could destroy it’s rain forests. Miliband introduced a climate change plan, which will help Britan to cut carbon emissions by 60% by the year 2050.

In December, the UN will hold a meeting to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which will include most of the world’s countries.

Main Idea


The EU countries are one of the leading countries in bio-pollution, therefore many treaties have been set in order to help the continent deal with its carbon emissions. Lots of different ways have been implemented, which should be taken into consideration very soon for it to work and cut down the total emissions.


I do support the EU actions, because we really need to do what’s possible for us to live in a happier,safer and greener environment.

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