Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Global Warming - Power Point -

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Monday, May 11, 2009

Climate Change Review


Climate change has been very disastrous lately; it’s affected the world in many ways and if we are to keep avoiding it the way we are doing now without any proper action, we shall suffer, having a polluted world in the future.

As Al Gore states, the majority of the landmass and vegetation today lies above the equator; unfortunately if the world remains as it is, there won’t be much of it at all. 40% of the people today get their water from the glaciers, but glaciers nowadays are drying up day by day because more heat is absorbing the water. On the other hand, growing population on earth also affected global warming by allowing greenhouse gases to clog up the atmosphere. Population on earth can grow without any harm by avoiding any unneeded pollution, such as allowing greenhouse gasses to wonder freely affecting our atmosphere which results into global warming.

Lots of different views have been put on global warming, many of them are actually quite different and they do end up contradicting themselves. Looking at what Helen O'Hara says, we understand that Global warming is a major concern, which many of the leading industrial countries today are dealing with. Helen also supports Al Gore’s views about global warming being the main reason for today’s climate change. On the other hand, Scott does not support Al Gore’s ideas about global warming thinking they were not true. He claims that Al Gore used a dramatic approach to the problem; he saw this method as an escape and not a way to deal with today’s climate change problem.

All in all, we all need to act towards this issue immediately; because time is running out and the more we wait the more we lose.


An Inconvinent Truth.Dir. Davis Guggenheim. Pref. Al Gore. DVD. Paramount Classics,2006.

Helen O'Hara,


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cool City

After watching the “Cool City” video, we understand that there has been many problems since the start of economic development, such as CO2 emissions and population pressure. If we don’t solve these problems we’ll suffer very much, we have to reduce all CO2 by atleast 50%. 

In Japan, GDP has increased by up to 100%, energy efficeny was increased by 37% and oil consumption has been decreased by 8%.90% of CO2 in the air today comes from buildings and transportation.

Cool city is a very eco-friendly city with low CO2 emissions which is going to be built by SDCJ, which is a Japanease company. The Cool City consists of three zones, which are: business, commercial and residential. The transport system which would be used in the Cool City consists of transit rail, solar water taxis and hybrid cars, there will also be used techniques to reduce heating such as waterways, rooftop membranes and tree planting.

Hopefully, if everything goes as planned the excpected CO2 reductions are 50% for eco towers and 30% for eco residences, with total CO2 reduction to be at 60%.

My opinion:-

In my honest opinion, I totally do agree that Cool City is a must-have project, it would save our planet eventually. Having a clean environment is very necessary, most of the world’s sickness today comes from pollution therefore it’s our responsibility to eliminate it.

Monday, April 27, 2009

European Initiative


The EU countries have agreed to lower their carbon dioxide emissions by 20% by year 2020, and it would be done by using renewables such as water,air,tidal power and biofuels. Nuclear power, clean coal and renewables are the main types of energy to be used.After the year 2010 all power stations in Europe should eliminate carbon emissions and carbon emissions from cars should be reduced from the start of next year.Even farmers can now help reduce carbon emissions by growing plants for biofuel which is considered 10% of all petrol. Today, new limits for carbon emissions are set and as a result carbon prices have increased. Renewable energy is very expensive, wind disturbs natural habitats and mass befouling in the Amazon could destroy it’s rain forests. Miliband introduced a climate change plan, which will help Britan to cut carbon emissions by 60% by the year 2050.

In December, the UN will hold a meeting to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which will include most of the world’s countries.

Main Idea


The EU countries are one of the leading countries in bio-pollution, therefore many treaties have been set in order to help the continent deal with its carbon emissions. Lots of different ways have been implemented, which should be taken into consideration very soon for it to work and cut down the total emissions.


I do support the EU actions, because we really need to do what’s possible for us to live in a happier,safer and greener environment.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My carbon footprint

I measured my carbon footprint at and it was 3.15 planets.

My carbon footprint is considerd quite good when compared to the rest of my classmates; most of my classmates scored about 3.5-4.5; and I was less than the average so I believe I did well compared to the rest of the class.

Carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gasses caused by individuals, organizations and products.

We can reduce our carbon footprint in many ways. First is the food we consume; we can arrange to eat in a very moderate and considerable fashion; for example we can eat more vegetables instead of dairy products; that is one way to reduce you’re carbon footprint. Another way to reduce carbon footprint is to use cars which emit lesser gases; that way we can have less car pollution which will reduce our carbon footprint effectively. You can also decrease the carbon footprint by using fewer electronics; there’s no need for extra lighting in most places therefore by removing the useless electricity you can save a huge amount of electricity which will reduce your carbon footprint by a huge amount.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

An Inconvenient Truth - Movie Review -

The Good:

Helen O'Hara,(, supports Al Gore’s speech in his movie completely, saying it was powerful,intelligent and entertaining. She sees this film as a solution to the world’s nature disasters. Helen claims that Al Gore can turn a very boring topic into a very entertaining one, which makes this movie a must-watch for everyone. Not only scientists; but everyone and anyone. She also liked how he managed to portray his movie as a wake-up call to the world’s community and not a comeback from the loss he had in his previous presidential campaign.

The Bad:

Scott,(, clearly did not enjoy the movie as much as Helen did. He views Al Gore with the complete opposite view Helen has for him. Firstly he sees Al Gore’s speech as something quite irrelevant to global warming, because Al Gore was selling himself off as a saint and a possible future candidate for presidency. One more point which Scott didn’t enjoy, was the fact that Al Gore tried to tie in his family deaths into his speech for the crowd’s sympathy; that wasn’t really necessary at all since it would not help raise the awareness of the global disaster but only beg for our pity.

My Opinion:

I honestly must agree with Helen. Al Gore’s documentary was truly amazing. I enjoyed how Al Gore managed to turn a very boring scientific subject into a very entertaining one to enjoy. He also is a great speaker, calm and intelligent.

An Inconvenient Truth - Voicethread -